"Artificial Gravity will usher in the Dawn of the Astropocene Age. When humans can thrive amongst the Cosmos."
A Buildable Artificial Gravity Space Habitat.
Conforms to current scientific precepts.
150 Foot Diameter, 5.2 rpm, producing 0.7 Artificial Gravity!
An inexpensive test platform that emerges as a full featured community.
Two million cubic feet Bio-Habitat.
Transparent Free-Floating Atrium.
Ideal for a Lunar Cycler Orbit.
The Journey begins, now!
StarCycler is First in Class!
A single rocket can pop-up into a barebone station!
A Tensegrity Spoke System effortlessly pops up into a large, force-distributive structure, which is ideal for managing torsion between the rim and hub.
At the same time, spokes are lightweight, economical, and strong.
The core is immediately habitable with an assembly vehicle sitting atop.
Sectional Ballistic Inflatables will enclose the expanse within a breathable environment while fabricating the interior.
Staging will drop the gimbaled engines rack along with the Solid Rocket Boosters.
The Core and External Fuel Tanks will lumber into orbit using the center vacuum engine for repurposing.
Build as you Go!




175,000 lbs.

Gyro Stability is Inverse Proportional to Controllability! 🤯
Motion Management is a simple spin-balancing system built atop a semi-stable shape. The devices can create, capture, transport, or stow angular momentum.
Motion Management is a Moderator between Energy and Motion in this Isolated System. Momentum is harnessed in reservoirs to fuel the Motion Management systems.
Heaver items such as machinery and tanks are located near the core to reduce momentum and Fc. Optimization for rotation must be considered in urban planning inclusive of the migrating mass ⇄ momentum.
Placed at Center of Mass is a Gyro /Electro /Momentum motor known as GEM.
GEM can speed-up or slow-down the station with the bonus of providing 3600 maneuverability OR Gyroscopic Stability.
The StarCycler has a very unique physical world. Multiple Frames of Reference with persistent interplay between Mass ⇄ Energy ⇄ Motion.

wBogies transport momentum around the station on a looped web track.
Their names change pending their location
Angular Velocity is exchanged for Angular Momentum as a momoX commutes along the radius.
This is a
Motion ⇄ Momentum Exchange Engine.
As momoX wBogies reach the end of their runs they enter SpeedMoR or SloMoR, reservoirs of Positive or Negative Momentum.
SpeedMoR remains active.
Elevator service is necessary for commuting toward the core.
Elevator's heavier wBogies can localize the motion ⇄ momentum exchange.


This momentum can then be discharged back into the station to either increase or decrease the station rpm.
When placed off-axis, GEM can also facilitate the reorientation of the space station.
During deployment, GyroRudder promotes stability along the center-line.
They must be retracted during maneuvers.

Home, Sweet Home! 🤯
2 Million cu ft of breathable atmosphere with various levels of Artificial Gravity enclosing all equipment and utilities.
StarCycler features five 15ft Floors.
- Floor 5 - The Max-G floor designated for residence.
- Floor 4 - The Promenade is open air for gatherings and shops.
- Floor 3 - The Sky Walk has a shorter width and doubles as an environmental system providing wind, filtration, rain and sunshine.
- Floor 2 - Is faux, housing large tanks and heavy machinery, "Inertia Ballast".
- Floor 1 - Inside Core has .2 % of Earth Gravity. A running passenger can achieve escape velocity entering Zero-G.
Using a cruise liner rule of two passengers per 200 sqft state room, the fifth floor can accommodate 350 passengers.
The shielded Zero-G lab will double as a shelter during Solar Storms.
But what makes a home?
A community full of scientist, chemists, farmers and trades workers tending to the flotilla in accompaniment? Or the spectacular view from the Free-Floating Atrium?
Home is where we can live our best lives!

StarCycler's parameters are cherry picked from Earth based research.
AG solves long-term space ailments but spinning has a side-effect of Coriolis discomfort. Susceptibility increases with faster rotations.
This Comfort Zone chart synthesizes On-Earth Studies to plot a comfort zone.
At variance are:
- AG Production - Long-term disability
- Rotation Rate - Coriolis discomfort
- Station Size - Constructability
The rationale for StarCycler dimensions are evident.
Studies performed on Earth
StarCycler's designs are purposely simplistic to reveal essential counter balance strategies.
Some designs have overlapping phenomena giving redundancy to helm.
The structure is basically a spoked suspension bridge looped about Center of Mass.
However, everything is not as it seems. The Frames of References and forces are quite unique.
The Center of Mass has net Zero momentum or velocity and provides a pivot point to reorient the station, irrespective of the momentum of the rotating Mass.
These specifications and depictions are scaled from similar real world system to pursue accuracy.
Not accurate per se, just enough to ballpark proof of concept!

We Need Your Help!
Internet Momentum is our Rocket Fuel! Simply, search StarCycler on google, join us at Facebook, upvote our videos at YouTube or challenge the concept at a forum.
The StarCycler is such a simple design there is no reason to keep it a secret. Bypassing Rocket Science puts this into the hands of the people. If we build enough Mass, investments will follow.
Do you want to go to Space? There are no limits in the Universe!